About Us

Welcome to Melbourne Blood Specialists. Our clinic is located at:
Suite 501, Level 5, 100 Victoria Parade,
East Melbourne.

Our Research

Our doctors believe that participating in research is the best way to ensure that our patients receive the best care and gain access to the latest treatment for their condition.

Patient Information

Obtain specific information about various conditions and standard procedures as part of our service.

Our Doctors

A/Prof. Ali Bazargan

Prof. Constantine (Con) Tam

Prof. Hang Quach

Dr. ShuhYing Tan

Dr. Jeremy Ong

Dr. Matthew Rees

Contact Us

Melbourne Blood Specialists


(03) 9654 8906


(03) 9654 8909

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm


Suite 501, Level 5
100 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne 3002