Our doctors are committed to delivering the best possible care for our
patients across a wide variety of blood conditions, including cancers
of the blood, bone marrow or lymph nodes such as leukaemia, lymphoma
and myeloma.
Each doctor has an active role in clinical
research and trials, with links to key institutions such as the Peter
MacCallum Cancer Centre and St Vincent's Hospital. They also sit on a
number of nationally and internationally recognised boards and
We aim to provide the best care possible. This means we are committed to making sure our knowledge is up-to-date with the latest research, and that our care plans reflect world’s best practice. Our fees reflect this commitment to quality and are kept below the fees recommended by the Australian Medical Association (AMA).
Trams that stop at the corner of Nicholson Street and Victoria Parade are:
Trams that stop at the St Vincent’s Plaza ‘super stop’ on Victoria Parade are:
Buses that stop near St Vincent’s on Victoria Parade include: